Thursday, December 22, 2011

Religions in Egypt

Years ago, during the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom, the Ancient Egyptian religion was based on polytheism before Akenaton reigned. Polytheism meant the worship of many deities, Gods; which was very different than Islam religion of Monotheism where the one Lord they praise is Allah. Their education was primarily steered by the wisdom of human Justice. There were over two thousand gods and goddesses that the Egyptians worshiped. Sometimes the Gods and Goddesses were symbolized components of both human and animal. The sky God, Horus, was a God with a humans’ body and a Hawks head. This religion heavily emphasized on an afterlife. The Egyptians dedicated a lot of their time to preparing for their afterlife, arranging their survival in their next world. They believed in wrapping the bodies of the deceased and placing the ‘mummy’ in a coffin. Although the historical developments are continuing through the years and there have been changes within the political power of their Gods. The Local Gods now have the primary dominance.

Although now, the primary religions in Egypt are Islam, and Christianity. The largest sect in Egypt of Islam is the Sunnis. The leading Christian denomination is the Coptic Orthodox Church (shown in the picture above). The Coptic Church dominates Christianity, and the pope resides in Alexandria. The Christian population is very small in Egypt, holding about three to ten percent of the population. Religion is very predominant in Egypt, and any religious practices that deliberately clash with the Islamic law of Shari’ah is forbidden. One of the Articles in the Penal Code, Article 98 (F), permits prosecution when practices and beliefs are unorthodox because they are insulting. Many of the rituals and concepts from the Ancient Egyptian religion still arise through Islam and Christianity. Because Islam is one of the greatest religions within Egypt, they have more political power within the cultural influences. Islam has more influence on both education and politics.

The picture above shows Christian "Copts" in Church.

"Religions - Egypt." Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries of the world, United Nations, and World Leaders. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2011. <>

"Ancient Egyptian Religion." St. Petersburg Times Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2011. <>

Amun, the 18th Dynasty. "Egyptian Religion." Ancient Egypt on a Comparative Method. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2011. <>

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