Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 1

Egypt is very unique and from what I know it is a very populated country in Africa that always seems to have blue skies with puffy white clouds. Egypt has many stereotypes that I can think of off the top of my head. I am very aware that they are stereotyped for the amount of gold that they consume or wear, that they have names and although amazing pyramids. When I think of egypt it is only because of the stereotypes I have seen in movies, photographs or films, of lands of sand and camels in the distance. The stereotypes of humans riding solely on large camels as a means of travel, and the egyptians wearing a tons of clothing and jewelry. Many thoughts come to mind every time I ride the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland in California. I always tend to think of egypt with the sculptures, pyramids and gold that is decorated throughout the adventurous journey. I hope to learn more about these egyptians other than all the stereotypes that have been stuck in my mind for the past twenty years of living.

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