Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Role of Islam in Egypt

The birth of Islam in Egypt was when the persecution of Christians occurred In 641 A.D. while Muslims entered Egypt. Christianity was in the north and South, although Egypt refused to accept the new religion. The population of Egypt was Christian until the invasion of the Islamic Arab in 640 AD. From 725- 831 the Egyptians revolted in opposition to the Islamic Arab rule of Egypt because of the unnecessary taxation and the religious persecution that weighed upon them. There was much chaos during this time in Egypt; Islam religion being forced upon them and a lot of destruction. According to a poll taken in February 2011, it shows that the Egyptians in fact do want Islam to play a large roll in politics. The Egyptians also think that democracy is the best political system.

The relationship between Muslims and other religions have been instituted by God in the Qur’an, which is His revelation. These religions have all been practiced now for centuries and are known to the majority of mankind. All religions are similar in certain aspects whether praying to the same God or not, people worship to their God in which they believe. All religions are also alike in the sense that the people who associate themselves with a distinct religion, practice that religion, have rituals that they do for years or eternity. Judaism and Christianity believe in a God and the prophets of God whom are their founders on earth consist of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and David. Islam respects both Christianity and Judaism to a certain extent by their acknowledgement of religious reality and truth.

As of now, Egypt hasn’t implemented Shari’a yet although there has been much discussion on it the past few weeks. While reading articles about Egypt implementing Shari’a, Islamic law, I found an interesting article directly from a website of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. In June 2011, Sheikh Ahmad Gad, one member of the veteran movement argued, “...the implementation of Shari’a in Egypt must be achieved gradually, by preparing the peoples’ hearts and minds for it and introducing it in stages. He proposed learning from the methods of the early Muslim Brotherhood, which worked in a step-by-step fashion, and called on Al-Azhar to focus on promoting the implementation of Shari’a.” (Egyptian:2011)... He believes that if Shari’a is going to be implemented to this Country that it may do so gradually just not all at once. Although with the state they are in now and causing everyone to change, follow this Islamic law, and adopt something unfamiliar might be dangerous. The step-by-step procedure might smooth the progress of studying, understanding, approval and compliance. There are a lot of women in Egypt that consistently wear their Niquab, face cover, and Hijab, an Islamic head scarf, which shows the degree of religiousness people are taking in Egypt.

"Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood - Implement Sharia in Phases | Terrorism Right Side News." The Right Conservative News Sites | Right Side News. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Dec. 2011.<< http://www.rightsidenews.com/2011070613993/world/terrorism/egyptian-muslim-brotherhood-implement-sharia-in-phases.html>

"Poll says Egyptians want more role for Islam in politics." News. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Dec. 2011.<http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/middle-east/141290-poll-says-egyptians-want-more-role-for-islam-in-politics.html>

Dumbarton. "The rise of Islam in Egypt, and Islamic persecution of Christians. Why were you born in Islam?." Beloved Muslim brothers and sisters; an invitation to a new beginning in the love, light, and peace of Christ, and His eternal salvation, liberated from the bonds of the fallen human nature. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Dec. 2011. <http://3lotus.com/en/Islam/rise-of-islam-in-egypt.htm>

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